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Our Task List

Below you find a list of projects we are currently working on or are planning to start. If you are interested in one of these projects for your companies use, you can certainly help us to foster the development. Please contact us for details.

Name State Current
Next Release
scheduled for
GnuPG 1.4 production 1.4.9 - -
GnuPG 2.0 production 2.0.12 - -
GPGME stable 1.2.0 - -
OpenPGP Card stable 2.0 - -
Libgcrypt stable 1.4.4 - -
ECC development - Fall 2009 80%
Crypto Accelerators planned - n/a 0%
DirMngr stable 1.0.3 - -
S/MIME for Mutt stable - - -
S/MIME for Sylpheed development - n/a 60%
OpenPGP PAM (Poldi) development - n/a 95%

GNU Privacy Guard 1.4

GnuPG 1.4 is the current stable version to be used for all security critical applications with real data. New releases are usually only done for bug and portability fixes.

GNU Privacy Guard 2.0

GnuPG 2.0 ist the modularized version of GnuPG. It has an entirely different design and changes to the code and features are very frequent.

Features of GnuPG 2.0 are:

  • Support for smart cards
  • Higly modularized design
  • Supports S/MIME by implementing CMS and X.509
  • A new way to store private keys
  • Direct support of modern USB smart card readers.
  • Replacement for the Secure Shell Agent.

GnuPG Made Easy

The GPGME library has recently be overhauled and the new API makes the use easier. GPGME is now multi-thread safe.

OpenPGP Smartcard

More details are available.


Libgcrypt is the GNU projects low-level cryptographic library.

ECC Support for Libgcrypt

Libgcrypt features some support Elliptic Curve algorithm. ECDSA is quite usable now, other algorithms are in the works.

Hardware Support for Libgcrypt

For certain applications (e.g. web servers), it is often highly desirable to keep the CPU clear of lengthly mathematical calculations. Libgcrypt has some limited support for the VIA Padlock engine. We are interested in extended the support to other hardware.

Directory Manager

The Directory Manager (dirmngr) is designed to be the central place to keep track of LDAP and other directory requests for Certifiction Revocation Lists (CRL) and direct certificate lookup. It was orginally developed as part of the Aegypten project.

Better S/MIME support for Mutt

The well known mailer Mutt has some limited support for S/MIME. In the course of the Ägypten project we implemented a new and far better S/MIME support which may be enabled using a run time option.

S/MIME support for Sylpheed

The graphical mailer Sylpheed comes with OpenPGP support and basic S/MIME support.

PAM for the OpenPGP smartcard

The OpenPGP smartcard has been designed to allow for authentication. We have a PAM module, called Poldi, for POSIX systems. Poldi supports the 1.0 OpenPGP card as well as the new 2.0 card. We consider to write a similar software for Windows.

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Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.